Monthly Sponsorships and One-Time Donations allow us to do what we do for the Greyhounds in our care. If you could contribute to their upkeep, won’t you please consider making a tax-deductible donation?
We can also use gift cards to pet stores. |
Jilly Bean – Sponsors Needed
Jilly came to us with a resistant strain of heartworm in April of 2014. After a year of treatments, we finally were able to rid her of these horrible parasites. Jilly was our first heartworm positive dog and we learned so much from her. Her medical condition was challenging, but so was finding her the right forever home. Jilly is very shy and very particular about who she will approach and interact with. She also has a bit of a temper around other dogs, so that limited her possibilities quite a bit. After being on the adoptable list for over two years, we felt it best to keep Jilly in our Sanctuary and make her a permanent member of the pack. “Miss Beans” as she is affectionately called, is thriving here. We love her and she loves us, and that is really all that matters.
After almost seven years, and some special “happy pills” Jilly Beans is starting to show off her playful side, every once in a while. She’s a beauty, inside and out. |
Tommyknocker – Sponsors Needed
Gentle eyes bright, mouth open in welcome, 8-year-old Tommyknocker is as famous for his ticking (white coat with brindle patches and small brown and black spots) as he is for his kookiness! Coming into our care in the spring of 2017, we quickly discovered that he’s incontinent, and despite various tests and numerous treatments, a belly band coupled with a thick pad works best, and he sports it at all times like the good sport he is. Oddly attracted to anything cloth and easily fixated by something he sees – be it a toy or a ball, a scarf or a piece of paper – he’ll gamely attempt to steal it. Not only that, but he stomps on his toys with unbridled gusto, determination and delight. Medications, the severity of his condition, coupled with the frequent changing of his soiled pads make traveling in the car difficult and adopting him virtually impossible at this point. But, on the bright side, and for tender Tommyknocker there is a bright side because he LOVES his food, treats and Nylabones, LOVES his crate, and best of all, he LOVES his solitude.
Tommyknocker recently developed a grade 4 heart murmur. Thankfully his echocardiogram showed that his heart is still functioning well and his check-ups with the cardiology vet show that he’s stable at this time. |
Sandy – Sponsors Needed
Sweet and softhearted Sandy soaks up love and attention like a “greyt” thirsty sponge. Warmly welcomed here when her owners could no longer care for her and left her alone for too many hours a day, she gives new meaning to the term “velcro dog”, following us wherever we go and watching intently while the food bowls and medications are prepared for her newfound, four-legged friends. Quiet and charming, she enjoys playing with the other dogs, is especially fond of Snowball, likes chewing on Nylabones, and has finally found her place on our bed! When she first arrived at the Sanctuary, the excess weight on her fine-boned frame left her winded and out of shape. A proper diet and exercise has her back at her normal weight, although the arthritis in her elbow is becoming more pronounced with her advancing age. Laser therapy and supplements are helping, thankfully. Eight-year-old Sandy’s not fond of thunderstorms, and needs to snuggle with her human caretakers.
Paddington – Sponsors Needed
His black and white “cowdog” markings make Paddington a standout in any Greyhound crowd!
Found as a stray with road rash, an injured paw and multiple scrapes, he was transferred to the Sanctuary where we learned that he was not only suffering from a urinary tract infection and Lyme disease but a very large hernia. Sweet, friendly and outgoing despite his traumatic past, possibly as a field trial lurcher (mixed breed) hound or as a result of a backyard breeder, this stoic survivor swiftly underwent surgery, was neutered and had a full dental without losing any teeth. Aged between 4 and 5 and underweight at 56 pounds, Paddington is presently being treated both for his Lyme disease, which requires re-testing in 6 months, and for his urinary tract infection. And although he was initially recuperating well from his hernia operation -- complete with an 8-inch-long incision -- his dissolving sutures are now causing his delicate skin to react. While he may not be in pain, he’s back on a regime of anti-inflammatory medications and being carefully monitored in the hopes that he won’t require a second operation. Gifted with a Greyhound’s soft fur, reminiscent of bunny fuzz, melting brown eyes and a hearty appetite, he wants only to please his caretakers and play now that he’s feeling better. Despite an obvious prey drive for small animals, and having never been trained, he’s learning all about proper “doggy etiquette,” including how to walk on a leash. Hauntingly reminiscent of Greyhound Razzle Dazzle’s daughter Sugar, who was adopted out several years ago, we feel, in our hearts, that our late Irish lass Razz sent Paddington to us – to tenderly cherish and take care of forever. Won’t YOU please help us do just that by sponsoring Paddington or donating towards his ongoing care? |
Manny – Sponsored!
Manny has the most magnificent eyes – like deep pools drawing you into his soul.
A super senior, this handsome greyhound was part of our adoption program nine years ago and lived happily with a loving couple in a wonderful home until illness and death made it impossible for them to continue with his care. We always provide a “safety net” for the dogs we adopt out, requiring that they be returned to us if their owners can no longer care for them. In cases like Manny’s, where dogs spend a sizable number of years with their adoptive families, moving to a new situation can be stressful and emotional. Grief is real for dogs, and we need to help Manny through the grieving process as well as attending to his physical needs. Thankfully, Manny loves other hounds, large and small, and he permits them to sniff him as he stands there ever so politely. Sandy Greyhound, who could be his twin, has taken a special interest in him, and has been graciously showing him the routine of Sanctuary life and helping him cope with his emotions while his caretakers shower him with love. And this seems to be working! When he’s not resting, he’s faithfully following his caretakers around. If he needs something, he approaches us, and stares at us in the most endearing way. He’s even designated himself our “helper hound,” accompanying us into the food preparation room while the others patiently wait outside for their bowls. He diligently “inspects” the portions to ensure that each dog is receiving the correct type and amount of food, gleefully licking up any stray kibble pieces that bounce out of the bowls! Manny, like many greyhounds, has had trouble with his teeth and gums and has already lost quite a few teeth. Sadly, an infection from a dying canine tooth left him with scars on his face despite several visits to the vet, antibiotics, and the removal of that tooth. Stiffness from arthritis has slowed Manny down but new medications have been helping and he’s becoming more active as his pain is subsiding. The future looks bright for Manny, and we are honored to be able to care for him in his remaining years. |
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Some Stories About Greyhounds That Have Touched Our Lives
Contact Information
NE Ohio Greyhound Rescue, Inc. Senior and Special Needs Sanctuary 440-364-4838 P.O. Box 3, Austinburg, OH 44010 |