Sponsor a Beagle, for Just One Month or a Year, and Change that Dog’s Life!Monthly Sponsorships and One-Time Donations allow us to do what we do for the Beagles in our care. If you could contribute to their upkeep, won’t you please consider making a tax-deductible donation?
DJ - Sponsors Needed
If ever a dog deserved joy, it’s DJ.
Going by his caretaker’s initials at the Sanctuary, this sweet and sociable 7-year-old has a list of ailments that is both heartbreaking and long. Having tested positive for heartworms, DJ is also afflicted by a heavy intestinal parasite load that has led, inevitably, to malnutrition, a low thyroid and low albumin which should improve as he gains some much-needed weight. He had such a heavy flea infestation that it caused severe skin infections and fleabite dermatitis and hair loss across most of his back that will take months to re-grow. Suffering from such horrible infections in both ears, the pain was so severe that no one could even touch his head, no matter how gently. In fact, he had to be sedated to have his ears cleaned and medicated. A picky eater, making it difficult to get pills into his system, he likes having them wrapped in pill pockets and then rolled in powdered kibble topper. Clearly a beauty at one time, large and black, like a black bear, with the most mesmerizing eyes, DJ has already warmed up to his caretakers, knowing that he’s now safe in their capable hands. Moving slowly and sedately, sniffing about curiously and breathing in the fresh air of freedom, he’s begun making friends with the other dogs and looks forward to keeping them fur-ever. As our dearest DJ progresses, paw step by step, towards better health and better days, his journey will be both long and costly, with months of treatments for heartworm, then neuter and dental surgery. And that is why, we’re appealing to you, our faithful followers, to help us continue helping DJ with either a one-time donation or a monthly sponsorship. |
Grandfather Time - Sponsors Needed
Time has not been kind to Grandfather Time, affectionately known as Grandpa.
Aged between 10 and 12 and as tall as a greyhound, he looks far older than his years because of his shockingly emaciated frame. Not only is Grandpa woefully thin, he’s lived for so long in chronic pain that it’s a testament to his resilience that he’s even still alive. His body is cruelly full of buckshot, he’s anemic, and his liver is stressed—typical in cases of heavy parasite infestation, heartworm, and malnutrition—all correctable in time. Due to a severe case of hip dysplasia, he’s currently on pain medication, aided by an injection of a new monoclonal antibody treatment that should also help to lessen the pain. Although he’ll require monthly injections, we hope to discontinue some of his oral medications in two to three months. While thoracic x-rays revealed that his heart is enlarged on the right side—typical of a heartworm infestation—his other blood tests for heart function were thankfully normal. He suffers from entropion, a condition in which the eyelid is rolled inward against the eyeball, in all four of his eyelids, but he has no infection. We are using cyclosporine, an eyewash, and eye lube four times a day, which he really likes. In fact, he comes over to his human caretaker when it’s time to clean and lube his eyes and looks up as if to say, “Thank you!” Apoquel relieves the itch from his thin, dry skin and prevents the fungal and bacterial infections that have just cleared up. Plagued by a very loose canine tooth, he’s a finicky eater. Together, we have worked out a successful feeding and pain medication regime that delivers his medications in a way that is pleasing to him. But dental surgery must be postponed until he’s completed his 6-month course of heartworm treatments. Surprisingly quiet for such a big hound, he does emit a deep, low “roooo” whenever he needs something—potty, water, food, etc. Being from the Deep South, he dislikes the cold; snow is alien to him, and he revels in the warmth his blankets and jammies provide for his frail, aged body. But the sweetest, most satisfying sight of all is how much he loves leaning on us and being petted. He knows that he’s been rescued and that he’s both safe and well-loved now. Whatever time Grandfather Time has left, whether it’s long or short, we will ensure that every precious moment matters. And that is why we’re appealing to you, our faithful followers, to help us continue helping Grandpa with either a one-time donation or a monthly sponsorship. |
Stormy - Sponsors Needed
Senior beagle Stormy was found aimlessly wandering the streets, alone and afraid. Brought to a shelter with a distended abdomen, it was initially thought that she was pregnant, but when she was pulled from the shelter by a different rescue, an x-ray revealed she had an enlarged liver, and they simply abandoned her at the vet hospital.
Now safe at the Sanctuary, Stormy is finally receiving what she so sorely lacked for so long: tender, loving care coupled with thorough testing and screening to determine the extent of her numerous ailments and the appropriate treatments to deal with them. Clearly abused in the past, she was found covered in fleas and ticks, her neck stained her tail raw and her teeth rotting. Diagnostic tests, including x-rays, ultrasound, blood tests, and urine cultures, have revealed that she has both a heart murmur and some abnormalities in the right side of her heart, an extremely enlarged liver, spleen, and gall bladder, and a severe urinary tract infection. And while these tests have determined that she has Cushing’s disease, we can’t rule out cancer. Promptly treated with antibiotics for her UTI, she’s currently on numerous medications to help improve her liver and heart function, among other things. Despite all she’s been through, Stormy is supremely sweet, snuggly, and surprisingly mellow. She’s also very friendly with the other dogs and loves her caretakers who love her in return. Blessed with a hearty appetite, she’s feeling better and growing stronger each day, especially since starting her meds for Cushing’s, although her abdomen remains distended. With questions still to be answered and the future itself a question, we will ensure that sweet senior Stormy weathers whatever storms lie ahead, safe in the knowledge that she’s surrounded by love. And that is why, we’re appealing to you, our faithful followers, to help us continue helping Stormy with either a one-time donation or a monthly sponsorship. |
Mabel - Sponsors Needed
Mabel’s soft, melting gaze barely masks her unspeakable pain. And yet, this ailing Beagle is 25 pounds of pure love!
Sweeter than sweet and surprisingly well mannered, she never barks and gets along easily with the other dogs here. Bright as a button, she already knows her name, absolutely adores snuggling and being held, has a lusty appetite, and takes her medications like a champ. Found as a stray and placed in an overcrowded shelter where she was at high risk for euthanasia given her advanced age and assorted maladies, Mabel was pulled on our behalf by HERO Hounds Rescue. Kept safe for a few days while we arranged the necessary transport; the rescue drove her halfway to The Sanctuary, and several other dedicated drivers took her the rest of the way. Mabel has heartworm disease, a tennis ball-sized inguinal hernia, allergies, upper respiratory infections, advanced dental disease, ear infections, intestinal parasites, and anemia. Her liver is also showing signs of stress, most likely from her heavy parasite load. As intimidating as these various conditions sound, the good news is that all of this is fixable! It may take many, many months and even more resources, but Mabel has a good chance of living a long life if she receives the care she needs. PLEASE HELP MABEL! Please help this dear, deserving little dog live the rest of her life in comfort, surrounded by love by donating towards her care or by becoming her sponsor. |
Elwood - Sponsors Needed
Easygoing on the eyes and easy to love, Elwood’s own eyes attest to the sweetness and gentleness of his soul.
Found wandering around on a rural Southern road searching for food, this dear senior beagle was rescued and taken to a local shelter. Because he was suffering from some complicated skin infections the shelter couldn’t clear up, they reached out to us, whereupon several compassionate and dedicated volunteers drove him to the Sanctuary. Not only is Elwood’s skin infected with bacteria as well as fungus, but his condition is also aggravated by allergies. He’s also battling ehrlichiosis, an active tick-borne disease, and has severe arthritis in his hips and legs. He’s currently on a regime of three different medications as well as pain meds and joint supplements, and although his thyroid is functioning properly, his other lab results reveal that he’s fighting multiple infections, outside and in, making him understandably tired and causing him to sleep quite a bit. But when Elwood’s awake, he’s an absolute delight! Known for his four distinct howls—which make us howl as well—pee, poop, hungry, and "Mommy, I finished my food, but the other beagles are still eating!—he’s otherwise quiet and calm. Exceedingly friendly towards his fellow canine companions and towards his adoring caretakers, he LOVES snuggling in blankets and propping his head up on the edge of the bed. As for Elwood’s future, we’re cautiously optimistic, taking it paw step by paw step, grateful for every encouraging sign of improvement we see. And that is why, on behalf of this most endearing of dogs, we’re appealing to our faithful followers to help us continue helping him with either a one-time donation or a monthly sponsorship. |
Lilly Red - Sponsors Needed
Lilly Red spent over 12 years of her life being picked on by the larger dogs in her backyard and has the scars to prove it. Her irresponsible owner never did anything to protect her, never let her into the house, and never gave her the care that she needed. Understandably, Lilly Red is fearful and reactive to larger dogs, and it will take a long time for her to regain her confidence when they are close to her.
Like many old dogs, Lilly Red is full of lumps and bumps that are benign. Most troubling, though, is the large malignant, cancerous tumor she developed on her hind leg. Once she was surrendered at her local shelter, the tumor was partially removed, and Lilly Red was then transferred to our Sanctuary, where she will live out her remaining years and receive all the medical care and love that she deserves. Unfortunately, the tumor is still attached to the muscle, and Lilly will need additional surgery soon. She has significant arthritis in her hind end, and she's now getting special food and supplements to help keep her cancer from spreading and to help with her mobility. She's also had a series of lab tests to help us to fine-tune her treatments. We can do so much for Lilly Red with your support. Can you be part of Lilly Red’s physical and emotional healing journey? |
Diamond - Sponsors Needed
She may be deaf, but 13-year-old Diamond hears best with her heart. Her sparkle may be dimmed, but, with TLP, tender loving paw-lish, she will shine more brightly than she ever shone before.
Subsisting for years outdoors in a dilapidated chicken coop, a noose-like rope around her neck, she suffered needlessly and unconscionably. How she survived winter’s subzero temperatures with wind chills in excess of - 30 degrees without adequate shelter or access to food and clean water remains a mystery. Distressed neighbors called Animal Control repeatedly to report the ghastly situation, but whenever officers arrived to investigate, the owner came outside with his rifle, pointed it at them and shouted for them to get off his property. Occasionally, one of those neighbors bravely threw a jar of peanut butter over the property line in the hope that she could reach it. Then, after a week had passed with no sight of Diamond’s owner outside, neighbors again called Animal Control and the authorities found him dead inside his house. Diamond was finally free! Safe at the Sanctuary, she luxuriated in the comfort of her first bed in 13 years, and enjoyed a peaceful night’s sleep. Not only is Diamond deaf, her vision is severely impaired and she has a grade 4 heart murmur, but no significant enlargement at this time. She also has growths on her vulva, belly and back. Antibiotics have been clearing up her bladder infection and thankfully, the tests for bladder cancer, so common in old beagles, have come back negative, allowing her to be spayed and undergo a complete dental to remove any rotting teeth. We might not be able to undo Diamond’s horrific past, but we intend to make her future as sweet and satisfying, as pain-free and pampered as possible. For this to happen, however, we need YOUR help. Won’t YOU please prove to her that most people are good, generous and kind by contributing towards her ongoing medical care? Together, we can ensure that, from now on, there’s only sunshine and roses for our grateful glittering girl. |
Petey - Sponsors Needed
Petey Beagle is proof that there is life and love after abuse and neglect! A stray in grave danger of being euthanized at a small, overcrowded, and underfunded shelter, he was saved by a wonderful group of compassionate people who volunteered their time and their cars to deliver him to our Sanctuary. Diagnosed with heartworm disease, which has enlarged his heart and affected his kidneys and liver; a heart murmur; rotting teeth; extreme arthritis in his spine and knees; and an ear infection, he has, despite all of his suffering, surprised and delighted us all by his zest for life and his love for people and other dogs. Already on his journey towards better health and greater comfort, medications have cleared up his ear infection; he’s currently on two medications to control his pain, on supplements to strengthen his heart and is being treated for his heartworm disease. Once free of his heartworms, he can be safely neutered, his rotting teeth extracted, and chiropractic and acupuncture have begun to further diminish his discomfort.
Surrounded now by unconditional love and no longer feeling the pangs of anxiety so common with transitions such as these, sustained by tender prayers and healing thoughts, his bleak past is, well and truly, in the past. Won’t you please, then, contribute towards precious Petey’s future to make it as golden as paws-ible? |
Mikey - Sponsors Needed
If little Mikey could talk, what a tragic tale this sweet survivor would tell. Both the victim of abuse and a target for men bent on killing him, the beleaguered beagle found himself at a county shelter, covered with fleas and ticks and suffering from an infected prostate/bladder tumor. Once he was stable enough to travel, he was transferred to The Sanctuary where he was assured of receiving the care and love he deserved and never had.
Started immediately on a treatment for his tick-borne disease, he then underwent a series of x-rays, ultrasound imaging and cytology testing to determine if his tumors were malignant. Sadly, both his first and second scans for transitional cell carcinoma came back positive, but risky exploratory surgery is the only way to be certain if the tumors can be removed, and given Mikey’s advanced age, it’s something we hope to avoid, if possible. With treatment options limited since this type of cancer doesn’t respond to traditional chemotherapy, we’re exploring every avenue to help him. Incontinent now because of the tumors, this perfect gentleman, so sweet, so quiet and so innocent, is trying his best to “be good.” He’s also very itchy, but is responding well to the supplements we give him (because of his potential cancer, he’s not a candidate for anti-itch medications). While he may walk slowly due to his arthritis, this resilient, four-legged bundle of love has made his way swiftly into our hearts and the hearts of the other dogs, is currently pain-free, happy, eating heartily and extremely comfortable here. Since Mikey’s time with us may be limited, and with so much time to make up for, please let him know that he’s well and truly loved by making a donation towards his care. |
Sally - Sponsors Needed
Sally may be young, between 2 and 3 years old, but in her lifetime, she’s suffered enough cruelty and trauma, abuse and pain for several dogs.
Bred, we believe by the worst of the backyard breeders as a bait dog, according to her Wisdom Panel, she’s a Staffy/Pit Bull mix, but her actual physical appearance leaves us wondering. That scarcely mattered, however, to those who tortured then dumped her in a cemetery or to those living nearby who repeatedly tried to shoot her! So terrified was she of everyone and everything that it took Animal Control several days to coax her out from behind the headstones where she was hiding. Once safe in the county shelter, she was spayed and given basic care, but it was immediately apparent that she needed specialized care, and she was transferred to The Sanctuary. Her jaws and teeth are malformed to the point where she cannot keep her tongue inside of her mouth, and her scabby skin was heavily infected with demodex, rendering her almost bald. She immediately bonded with her female caretaker, finding a sympathy and softness she had never known while discovering both her courage and her ability to love. Her skin is slowly healing with the help of medicated sprays, high quality food and skin supplements containing biotin. Because of the deformities in her mouth, she underwent a full set of dental x-rays to determine the condition of her jawbones and teeth. Thankfully, her jawbones, although deformed, appear strong and her tiny, deformed teeth are now healthy, clean and shining. As Sally continues to improve physically and mentally, her path towards being the best possible version of herself remains long, and neither she nor we can do it alone. Won’t YOU please, in the spirit of giving, help us to help Sally with a donation, be it once or monthly? |
Penny - Sponsors Needed
Precious Penny came from a most horrible situation, where humans abused and neglected the dogs in their care. At some point, Penny’s front elbow and leg were broken, and Penny never received vet care. The pain must have been unbearable and as the breaks healed, they led to a permanent limp and severe degenerative arthritis and the pain never subsided. Somehow, Penny escaped her tormenters and limped across a field. A Good Samaritan found her and tried her best to give Penny what she needed. However, Penny’s other ailments were daunting and work schedules and financial concerns made it impossible for the Good Samaritan to care for her. Penny was surrendered to Fluvanna SPCA, and the shelter took over her care. Because Penny was heartworm positive, had a tick borne disease, was in stage 2 renal failure, and had severe food allergies, Penny needed more care than a shelter could provide.
Penny joined our Sanctuary on April 10, 2022. Through the kindness of volunteer drivers, Penny made her way from Virginia to Ohio. Her health status was guarded as she completed the first stage of her heartworm treatments. Her case was particularly worrisome because heartworm disease can distress kidneys. Penny already had faced multiple lab tests, x-rays and painful injections and sadly, had to endure a second complete round of heartworm adulticide injections as her system was still not cleared of heartworm from the first set of treatments. Penny needs medications and supplements to help improve her kidney function and arthritis, and she's on a very strict diet to keep her food allergies at bay. After more than a year of treatments, Penny finally tested negative for heartworm and was spayed and had a complete dental. Her mobility is much improved and Penny can now play with her hound friends and jump on her human caretaker's bed for naps. Despite all that Penny has been through, she is a trusting and loving hound. Sweet and sensitive and very smart, Penny will immediately touch your heart and soul. Her good nature is evident in all she does. Although Penny looked lost and confused when she first arrived, she now understands that her humans want to help her, not hurt her. And, help her, we will,for the rest of her life. Will you also help her? |
Daisy Mae - Sponsors Needed
With a face so fine it melts everyone’s hearts, Daisy Mae is the sweetest of senior survivors. Believed to have been a puppy mill mama, aged between 10 and 12, she knew only hardship and cruelty, with a body that tells the “tail” and an indomitable spirit that takes your breath away. Deaf, with tumors on her eyelids and mammary glands, a significant heart murmur, a significantly enlarged heart, a leaky mitral valve, and congestive heart failure, she also has a mass on her bladder wall, but thankfully, not the gene for bladder cancer. She’s now on medications to help with her heart and will have her heart functions tested regularly.
Soaking up love and attention like a sponge, she has an impish sparkle in her eyes and astounds us daily with her impeccable manners, unbridled enthusiasm and remarkable kindness. She especially enjoys car rides and, not surprisingly, she’s the perfect passenger, sitting snugly on her caretaker’s lap. And although she’s so small that she can barely see out the window, she rests her head on our arms as we drive through the country. |
Crumble - Sponsors Needed
It’s hard to know where to begin Crumble’s story. He was found as a stray in South Carolina and was severely underweight, suffering from what the shelter thought was heartworm, glaucoma, hypothyroidism, skin infections, cryptorchidism, and a urinary tract infection.
Because of the kindness of a community of animal lovers, Crumble was able to hitch a ride to Ohio where we took him into our Sanctuary. As soon as Crumble arrived, the veterinarians went to work to further diagnose and treat his health problems. Crumble is thought to be at least 10 years of age, the vets found that Crumble was a victim of violence and was shot. What was thought to be glaucoma is actually severe trauma to his left eye, which has left him with little to no vision and frequent infections. Chest x-rays show that not only is Crumble’s heart enlarged, but he is filled with buckshot that has migrated to various parts of his body. While he currently does not have a urinary tract infection, his liver is damaged and causes excessive thirst and incontinence. His initial test for heartworm may have been a false positive, but we will continue to test him at regular intervals to be absolutely sure. Crumble does have a retained testicle and several rotting teeth, which will require more complicated surgery when he has gained more weight and is healthy enough to withstand the procedure. The vet is treating his liver, skin, and thyroid conditions while helping him to gain some much-needed pounds. Crumble absolutely loves his little bed and we think that this may be the first time that he’s ever had a bed to rest on. Despite all that this little dog has endured, Crumble has such a positive outlook and is so happy to be in the Sanctuary. His tail wags constantly, his appetite is wonderful and he’s such an inspiration to us all. While evil people have caused much of Crumble’s pain, it is only through the goodness of others that will help Crumble heal. |
Willie - Fully Sponsored for the Rest of His Life, THANK YOU!!!
A weathered and wise, bow-legged cowboy, Willie is an old man with severe, disfiguring arthritis with bumps and lumps and some irritated skin. But, his body doesn’t get him down and he’s sweet, funny and such a joy. He’s lost some teeth along the way, but his latest dental cleaned up his remaining ones and thankfully, he didn’t lose any more. Is skin is settling down and he’s shedding out his old, dry coat. We can see new, softer, shiny hair coming through. Willie loves his chiropractic adjustments, his back massage and his stretching exercises. Although he will never regain his “pupish” figure, he’s in less pain now, thanks to physical therapy and pain medications. A Good Samaritan wanted to adopt Willie when he first arrived at a shelter in South Carolina. After careful consideration, the Good Samaritan felt that Willie would not be able to get around well in her house and yard and the shelter contacted us to see if we could take him into our Sanctuary. We jumped at the chance to welcome this boy. Later, we learned that Willie’s Good Samaritan will also sponsor Willie for the rest of his life!! |
Bertha - Sponsors Needed
This sweet girl was picked up as a stray and sat in a hot, humid animal shelter, struggling to breathe. No one came to claim her, and not a single person expressed interest in adopting her; she was too old, too obese, and had too many lumps and tumors. Bertha has extremely high blood pressure, arthritis, hip dysplasia, mammary gland tumors, cysts on the back of her neck, and was extremely overweight. Her ideal weight is about 19-20 pounds, but she weighed 35 pounds when she arrived at the Sanctuary.
Bertha was on a strict weight loss program and after 5 months, she reached her ideal weight. She was just recently able to have the surgery she needed to remove her tumors, be spayed and have a dental. She is also receiving chiropractic care to help with her mobility. We are hoping that we can wean Bertha off the blood pressure medications now that she's no longer obese. Bertha is a sweet as can be. She loves the other little Beagles at the sanctuary. When she first arrived, she could not run and play because of her weight, so she sat quietly and watch over the other dogs. Once she is healed from her many incisions, she'll be able to really play and romp. Bertha also loves watching the squirrels, sitting on our laps and getting all the attention she can! |
Duncan - Sponsors Needed
Duncan was most likely dumped by his owners and found as a stray by a kill shelter in Southern Ohio. He was given no medical attention at the overcrowded shelter. Duncan has active Lyme disease and it’s caused him to be hypothyroid, have liver issues and high blood protein. He’s completed his first round of medications and will need to be retested again in 6 months. He also has some rotting teeth that were extracted and had a rare parasitic worm that infested his sinus cavities and caused watery discharge from his eyes.
One of the kindest canines we’ve ever taken in, Duncan exudes sweetness in all he does. Although the Lyme disease and his bad teeth have taken their toll on Duncan’s body, he doesn’t let this get him down. He loves attention, loves to be held and loves to be petted. Duncan is also wonderful with the other dogs at the Sanctuary and has many canine friends. Duncan’s soulful eyes and his willingness to learn new things are what makes this boy special. His charming ways just pull people in and they can’t but smile when he’s around. |
Buttons was a mixed breed hunting dog who was severely abused in his past life and was never able to fully overcome the physical and mental effects of that abuse. We did everything we could to bring him peace and in the end, his symptoms became unbearable for him. We miss him dearly and wish that his abusers could know just how badly their actions toward him were.
Roscoe, a senior greyhound mix, came to us with a spindle cell sarcoma on his right elbow that was malignant. He also had cataracts and was completely blind in his right eye and losing vision quickly in his left. His back was plagued with spondylosis, an age related wearing of the discs in his back. He developed a heart murmur, high blood pressure, and was in the early stages of kidney disease. Roscoe was a trooper through all of the chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and other treatments he was receiving from both our regular vet and a board certified internal medicine and oncology specialist. He took his twice daily handful of pills and supplements without complaint. But, Roscoe’s old body was failing, he was in pain and his tumor was overtaking his leg. It was time to let him fly free. Roscoe touched many hearts and he is dearly missed.
Andy Panda was only with us for a little over 7 months, but he had a huge impact on us. He was our first greyhound mix, the first we were able to pull from a county shelter, the first to help us learn about laser therapy and other types of treatments for the chronically ill. He taught us much about hospice care. We never really knew how old he was but we knew he was very old. We never knew anything about his background, where he was born, whether he ever took part in the field trials in the rural areas of Ohio, or whether he was ever loved in his former life. But, we were so fortunate that he spent his last days with us.
Jenny was another victim – of bad backyard breeding, of abuse, of indifference. She tried so hard to find comfort, but her body was always on red alert. Although she bonded with her female caretaker, she saw all others - both human and canine – as threats to her very existence. As she got older, neurological problems plagued her and she could no longer go on. She passed in the arms of the only human she trusted. We hold her near and dear to our hearts, forever.
With arms open wide, we welcomed sweet Horton into our Sanctuary. But upon visiting the vet, we were devastated to discover that he had blinding cataracts, a loud heart murmur, significant arthritis, along with inoperable, untreatable and terminal bladder cancer that had grown steadily and stealthily inside him for more than a year. He NEVER received the proper care. Sadly, his pain was too great and his time had come to journey across Rainbow Bridge.
Horton did not die alone and his remains will be cherished by those who loved him. His memory will live on in the hearts of his hospice caretakers and he will never be dumped or neglected or mistreated again. He was only with us for 3 short weeks, but his life mattered. |
Matilda came to us in a fragile state and we knew that her time left was limited. Disappointed by so many humans in her earlier life, her legacy turned out to be one of community, of caring and of kindness. So many people from all over the country came together to save her. In these troubling times, where hate and violence have reached epidemic levels, it took a little 18 pound, blind, deaf and wobbly senior beagle to bring a sense of purpose and love to those of us who care. Matilda’s time left was too short, but the effect on her saviors was profound.
Oh, Ozzy, how we had hoped that we could have given you more time. If only your previous owners would have helped you. If only the cancer wasn’t so advanced and so aggressive. You were a trouper through it all and we will never forget your sweet nature. You were a role model for us humans and taught us how to endure. We will honor your memory by helping more cancer Beagles like you.
Otis, our 11-pound King of Bounce, image of perseverance in the worst of odds, lover of life (and food), and symbol of what the core of our hospice program stands for, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Outliving everyone’s expectations by 1 ½ years, Otis’s body finally wore out. He lost his inimitable ability to bounce back from disease and his disfigured body could no longer do his happy dance bounce. He told us that it was his time to die and peacefully and quietly accepted our help in crossing over, surrounded by those who loved him. The tears are flowing, and our hearts are heavy but Otis sent us sign that he’s where he needs to be now and he will always be a part of us.
We knew that Norman was already on borrowed time when he arrived with aggressive mast cell cancer and that we would do everything we could to help him have the highest quality of life possible for as long as possible. At first, we thought he’d be okay for a long while. His brightness, energy, and love touched our hearts and souls. But when the tumors returned so quickly after his second surgery, we knew that his remaining time was short. It broke our hearts to watch the tumors grow and grow and grow, knowing that this disease would kill him soon. Yet Norman never flinched, never let on that he was dying of cancer, until a new hound came to us in grave need. Somehow, at that point, Norman knew that he could now leave us and that our hearts would start to heal as we cared for the new boy. There will never be another Norman, yet we see him still in everything we do at The Sanctuary. He is gone, but never forgotten, and always in our hearts and souls.
Darling Aurora, your time with us was too short as your aggressive cancer was ravishing your old, tired body. But you taught us how to savor every moment of life and you showed us how animals can give unconditional love. Thank you for those lessons. Thank you for your love. Your spirit lives on and you will be in our hearts forever.
After a life of horrendous abuse and neglect, Radar spent his last year and a half here, where he knew love and kindness. He would light up and wiggle his broken body every time we told him that he was "A Fine Pooch!" We will always remember Radar and will continue to tell him that he's "A Fine Pooch!"
We still cry for you, Albert. We cry for all the dogs that have been dumped and abandoned like you. The dogs that wonder why their humans never came for them. The dogs that are hurting from neglect, abuse and indifference. What a sad world we now live in.
Thank you, Albert, for sharing the last hours of your life with us, for touching our hearts and souls. Although we are filled with grief and hurt and sadness, you helped to remind us of the joy that comes from connecting with another living being. You taught us to persevere through the pain and to look ahead rather than dwell on the past. |
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Waggle provides special help for many of our medical needs animals.
Waggle will double your donation and pay the funds directly to our veterinarian for hospital bills. |
Some Stories About Greyhounds That Have Touched Our Lives
Contact Information
NE Ohio Greyhound Rescue, Inc. Senior and Special Needs Sanctuary 440-364-4838 P.O. Box 3, Austinburg, OH 44010 |